One Man's Journey: Managing Whole People by Mark F. Herbert

Managing Whole People

This book covers the 30 years of mistakes, experimentation, and learnings from the personal journey of an HR director and a senior consultant. It is a book about leveraging your largest investment and moving your organization from Complianceto Commitment™.


Plan B: The Alternative to Obamacare by Mark F. Herbert

Plan B: The Alternative to Obamacare

With first-hand knowledge of health care intricacies from both the employer's and employee's standpoint, Mark F. Herbert presents a non-partisan solution to the health care debate in Plan B: The Alternative to Obamacare

Compliance to Commitment by Mark F. Herbert

Compliance to Commitment

It's real money. A 2010 Hay Group study demonstrated that moving an organization from moderate or low engagement to high engagement can improve revenue growth by 250% and reduce unwanted turnover by over 40%.

Building an Employment Brand by Mark F. Herbert

Building an Employment Brand

People join cultures, not companies. People leave managers, not companies. Your brand will never be better than the people in your organization.