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Why Developing Trust Between Leaders and Their Teams Is Important


Why Developing Trust Between Leaders and Their Teams Is Important

Why developing trust between leader and team is important?

Trust is a tricky emotion. It cant be felt out of the blue. It is given and earned. Trust is also a strong emotion when it comes to keeping different relationships intact. And when it comes to developing a strong bond between the people involved in the said relation. Like every other relation, the connection between a leader and his team is built and maintained on trust. Until trust is there between the leader and crew, the relationship, and hence, the project cannot work. This article will tell you why developing trust between leader and team is necessary in detail. 


Enhancement of teamwork:

Trust leads to open and transparent communication. If that communication is between team members, it leads to fewer misunderstandings and a speedy work process. When the team leader starts to admit what he is thinking in his team, he believes they should do the work, leading them to be confident and motivated as they realize their leader trusts them. Therefore, they will follow in his example and confide and communicate with each other. When the trust is developed, they will feel more secure and friendly towards each other, leading to enhanced teamwork and better results.


Improves productivity and efficiency:

Like we discussed above, trust leads to the enhancement of teamwork. Similarly, trust leads to improvement in productivity and efficiency. The fact of the matter is that when the leader starts to show trust in his team members and their capabilities, they will begin to produce much better results. No one likes to have someone on their back frequently and have someone doubting what they know they can do.


Suppose a leader is continuously asking his team members about the result and directing him every step. In that case, the team member will not feel confident. Instead, they will feel as if their leader doubts their abilities. However, the leader's trust will induce a drive to output his best in the team member and improve productivity and efficiency.


Enhancement of decision making:

Likewise, an improved decision-making process will also develop due to trust between the leader and the team members. A leader is one person, a human being, and humans are prone to making mistakes. Even though he is a 'leader' does not entail that he will always make the right and best-suited decision for everyone.


A leader who doesn't trust his team will make every small decision himself, which may lead to issues as his decision may not always be the best. On the other hand, a leader who trusts his team will give them a chance to input their opinions. Then, considering everyone's suggestion will make the final decision. This way, the decision will be better because it is the outcome of a collaborative decision.


Reduces stress in the team:

Every human needs a break and some relaxation after a long and tiring day at work. When they are provided with this break, they work with much more dedication and hard work. Improved work ethic will occur because they have been relieved of stress and feel rewarded for their previous effort.


If a leader trusts his team, he will actively refrain from doubting their capability to finish work on time. When he doesn't doubt that, he will happily give them a break in between to reward them and relieve their stress. Therefore, this will reduce stress and increase productivity, all leading to better results.


Improves creativity:

A human mind is capable of wonders. When let to grow in a proper environment, it comes up with innovative ideas all the time. With the development of trust between a leader and his team, the team members will feel more inclined and happy with sharing their ideas with other members and the leader. The sharing of ideas earns appreciation and motivation to think of much better ones. It also makes the concept more refined as many people then work on it. When many minds come together and brainstorm, they can do wonders.


For example, suppose there is no trust between the team members and leaders in a fashion company. In that case, the team members won't come up with creative ideas. Therefore, trust improves creativity in the team, as well.


How to develop trust between leader and team:

Now that you know why developing trust between a leader and his team is so important, let's look at a few ways to establish trust.


  • Letting the team members do their assigned work themselves, without interference from the leader regularly.

  • Allow the group to sit together and make a combined decision on essential ideas.

  • Considering and giving importance to each member's suggestion and opinion.

  • Confiding in your team about big decisions you plan on making as a leader like a business deal.

  • Avoid favoritism in the group, and appreciate everyone's work equally.

  • Do not point out the mistakes of a team member in front of the whole team.

  • Encourage your team to talk to you about their worries and stress.

  • Give them a break every once in a while.



In a nutshell, trust is the foundation of every relationship, including the one between a leader and his team. With the absence of trust, the team will not work efficiently, make the right decisions, produce the desired results, develop innovative ideas, and put in the selected hard work. The team members will be stressed out and demotivated. Hence, the team, as a whole, will fall apart.


Therefore, it is imperative that a leader follows and implements the eight points mentioned above to develop and promote trust in the relationship he has established with his team members. Only in this way, the team will succeed in accomplishing its task.


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